


If you’re planning a trip to Turkey, you’re in for a treat! This beautiful country has so much to offer, from stunning mosques to bustling bazaars. To ensure you have the best possible experience, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • First and foremost, restroom access at train stations can be tricky. Keep your train ticket handy, as you’ll need it to enter the restrooms.
  • Next up, cash is key. If you plan to use the train or metro, you’ll want to have small bills before descending to the underground entrance areas. There are vendors and kiosks for purchasing tickets further down, but they only accept smaller cash denominations.
  • If you’re planning on taking a tour, be sure to bring your own water, as tours often charge extra for drinks.
  • If you plan on visiting mosques, it’s important to respect local customs and etiquette. You’ll need to remove your shoes at the door, and men should wear pants and a shirt, while women should cover their heads and wear pants, covering their shoulders. Avoid standing in front of anyone who is praying, and never take photos of someone praying.
  • When entering public places like shopping malls or airports, be prepared for security checkpoints. Just follow the lead of those around you, and you’ll be through in no time.
  • Last but not least, remember to embrace the local culture! Turks have a tradition of removing their shoes before entering a house, so do the same. And don’t be afraid of the double cheek kiss – it’s a common greeting in Turkey!

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be better prepared for your trip to Turkey and have a more enjoyable experience. Safe travels! tips in mind, you’ll be better prepared for your trip to Turkey and have a more enjoyable experience.